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Rwandair Ranking In Africa

RwandAir: The Safest Airline in Africa

Achievements and Expansion

RwandAir, the national carrier of Rwanda, has consistently maintained a high safety rating over the years. This has enabled the airline to expand its route network, making it one of the most connected airlines in Africa.

Safety Record

RwandAir has achieved several safety milestones, including: * Certified by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) * Rated as "Excellent" in the African Civil Aviation Authority (AFCAA) Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) audit * Received the Airline Reliability Performance Award from the African Airlines Association (AFRAA)

Route Network Expansion

Leveraging its safety record, RwandAir has expanded its route network to over 25 destinations in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. This has made Kigali International Airport (KGL) a key hub for regional and international travel.

Positioning in Africa

Despite Ethiopia Airlines retaining the title of "Best Airline in Africa" for five consecutive years, RwandAir remains the safest airline on the continent. With a population of over 134 million, Rwanda's investment in aviation safety has significantly contributed to its competitiveness in the African aviation industry.
